with grateful thanks

The planning, design and construction of the Arkansas Fallen Firefighters Memorial was an unparalleled team effort achieved by a confluence of generous and talented professionals who shared the dream of building a memorial to the men and women who died in the line of duty while serving others.

To pay the construction costs of $1.2 million dollars, dozens of corporations and foundations were joined by hundreds of individuals and Arkansas Fire Departments in a unique display of fund raising that ranged from 81 cents from a young boy in Grapevine, $3.45 from a convenience store cashier in Little Rock, to two gifts of $100,000 each. 

The Arkansas Fallen Firefighters Memorial will be a place of reflection, honor, and education for this and future generations. The names of dozens of men and women who have died in the line of duty are etched in the granite that surrounds the "Win Rockefeller Fountain of Faith", the “Brooks Jackson Memorial Plaza”, and the bronze statue representing the branches of the fire-service in Arkansas.

Some of OUR top contributors

Alltel Corporation
Charles A. Frueauff Foundation
Rush and Linda Harding
Motorola Solutions Foundation
Lisenne Rockefeller
Tom Schueck
State Farm Insurance
Roy and Christine Sturgis Charitable Trust
Tyson Foods
WalMart Foundation

Equally important were the gifts in kind from these noble and trusted friends

Jackson Brown Palculict Architects
East Harding Construction
J. W. Heavrin Company
Jeff Smith Excavating
Spook Hamric Trucking
Justin Marquis
Paul and Paula Hastings 
Dr. Fred Hueston
Nabholz Construction Services

Some of OUR top contributors

Alltel Corporation
Charles A. Frueauff Foundation
Rush and Linda Harding
Motorola Solutions Foundation
Lisenne Rockefeller
Tom Schueck
State Farm Insurance
Roy and Christine Sturgis Charitable Trust
Tyson Foods
WalMart Foundation

Equally important were the gifts in kind from these noble and trusted friends

Jackson Brown Palculict Architects
East Harding Construction
J. W. Heavrin Company
Jeff Smith Excavating
Spook Hamric Trucking
Justin Marquis
Paul and Paula Hastings 
Dr. Fred Hueston
Nabholz Construction Services

Memorial Credits

Paula Haskins, Statue artist
Robert Daus of Liberty Art Works, Inc., Sculptor
Jackson Brown Palculict, Architects
Crafton Tull, Landscape Architect & Civil Engineer
Engineering Consultants, Inc., Structural Engineer
Lucas, Merriott & Associates, Electrical Engineer
Grubbs, Hoskyn, Barton & Wyatt, Inc. Consulting Engineers
James Lee Witt, Publicity Chair
Rush Harding, Memorial Pavers Chair
Shirley Davis, Iron Ladies For A Bronze Statue Committee 
East Harding General Contractor

past board members

Johnny Reep, Past Chairman
Roger Buresh
Bob Edwards
Hershel Hampton
Bill Hellard
Ray Jacks
James Launius, Past Chairman
Robert McFarland
Joe Mosley
Anthony Renigar
Clay Whaley
Bob Zielinske
Matt Simpson
Shane Dallas, Past Chairman
Kevin Miller, Past VICE Chairman
Jim Gates, Past Secretary/Treasurer
Larry Brewer
wade marshall, Past Vice Chairman
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