Jerry Jacobs
Little Rock Fire Department - January 15, 1972
Friday night January 14, 1972 "C" shift. The box alarm came in for 3rd and Louisiana. Smoke and fire was coming from the 3 story brick building. For over 2 hours, the on and off duty member of the Little Fire Department shot thousands of gallons of water into the aged brick building. The result was a thick, slick coating of ice on everything and brave, but cold firefighter. In the street between Truck 4 and the Bennett building several hand held 2 1/2" lines were manned by Tommy Allen, Aulton Ball, Phil Filiatreau, and Eric Oliver. A loud sickening POP of the collapsing south wall signaled tons of falling brick and mortar. As firefighter tried to run, Eric Oliver was crushed. At the same time Jerry Jacobs grabbed the turntable control to rotate Ladder man Gene Tucker away from death. Jacobs was also fatally buried by the debris.